Handcrafted Bath and Body, Home Decor and More!

WELCOME to The Vintage Basin!

My handmade journey started when I was young. I grew up watching my Mom and Grandma make things from scratch. I share my passion to create with my Mom and have been given a great example of a quality, handmade product. After years of making my own things I realized it was time to start this store.

Everything is made by hand and infused with love in every ounce. Every detail is inspected before it is shipped to your home. 
We've added Home Decor and more over the past year for you to enjoy and continue our promise to infuse every stitch, and inch with love. 

We invite you to cleanse not only the outside with our products but more importantly your heart and mind.  Life was not meant to live as we do everyday.  Are you tired of the stresses of the world? Are you busy beyond belief? Since the beginning of time God has been trying to speak to us. He has shown us who He is through His written word, in nature and finally by coming to us through His Son Jesus Christ!  

The Good News is that God loves us so much, He sent His only Son to pay the price of sin for you and for me!  At The Vintage Basin, we represent His Love and invite you to be fully cleansed by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. 

I hope you love every drop of The Vintage Basin and what we offer. If you would like more information about us or a life changing relationship with Jesus contact us at www.thevintagebasin@gmail.com

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